Drum roll, please... MetroSofa has arrived. What is MetroSofa, you ask? A fabulous company that finds and refurbishes vintage furniture frames and, with the help of their upholsterers, transforms them with fabulous contemporary fabrics and finishes.
Last week we received our first shipment from them, what I'm sure will be the first of many, as three of the pieces are already being held for customers. We are currently the exclusive Seattle retailer for MetroSofa, which makes us even happier to have them in the store.
We also recently received some fabulous items from some other companies we love...items like red lacquered table lamps, a lovely mirrored console table, a pair of white leather round studded ottomans, etc., so lots to take in on your next visit.
And on an unrelated note, we are currently in the process of reevaluating our store hours in the hopes of being open when people most want us to be, and being closed when no one is interested in shopping. If you wouldn't mind completing the poll we created to the right, we would be so appreciative...
Hope to see you soon.