Thursday, December 3, 2009

Waking the Dead

If anyone is left out there reading this sad, neglected blog, let me be the first to applaud your perseverance! With more than a month since my last posting, I'm shocked that you may be out there, still checking in now and then for a pulse.

Well, today your persistence pays off: a faint pulse beats on!

Since opening in our new location a few months ago, we have been a bit...well...overwhelmed. As you know, one of the primary motivations for relocating was to scale back while shifting our focus to our true passion: interior design. Not that we don't love lacquer boxes and classic children's books as much as--heck, probably more than!--the next person, but what wakes us up at night are thoughts of lacquering 18th-century oak chairs (gasp) and reupholstering womb chairs in Trina Turk indoor/outdoor fabric. Not so much the boxes.

The good news? Our plan is working! Lots of new clients and projects. So much fun. So many great people. So many great finds.

The bad news? Our plan is working! So few hours in the day. So many kids waiting at home. So much laundry. (Seriously, where does all the laundry come from? I really want to know. Is my family screwing with me?)

We're not complaining, mind you. Just trying to rationalize our absence from the blogosphere. If it's any consolation, I have written some AMAZING posts in my mind. Here's hoping they will be transferred to reality soon. One of them even mentions *you*. Yes, you.

In the meantime, here's a sneak peek at some our new inventory soon to be hitting the Web site as part of our New Year's Resolution. Almost none of our new store inventory is on the site (kind of the point of a Web site, right?), so obviously we are excited to mark this one off our to-do lists.

Thanks again for bearing with us through our growing pains. We promise not to be such a fair-weather friend in the future.

*Images courtesy of the fabulous Dorothee Brand, of Belathee Photography (gratuitous fame-dropping: she photographed the wedding of design*sponge's Grace Bonney)


Karyn said...

It all sounds so exciting! All but the laundry of course.

Siiri said...

Glad to see another post! I was actually planning to come in this weekend to the new location (because I am a slacker and haven't seen it yet) but also because my dear friend just bought his first place,and I want to give him something special, and of course, Revival was the first place that came to mind! Are you going to be around this weekend?

Rebecca June | Sea Island Drive said...

You have been greatly missed, but it sounds like business is booming which is what we al want for you!



Rebecca June

Unknown said...

Hey sister! Great blog post and it was also really great to see you the other day. I love the new photos and anted to say that Dorothee is also famous cos she is a customer of Muse Coffee Co! Well, that doesn't make her famous, but It does give her good taste. Of course you knew that cos she knows you. I'm glad your schedule is busy even though it is taking away from your ability to have clean clothes.

Anonymous said...

I just wish you guys were open more, I've never been cause there is always a closed sign! I'll keep trying.

Anonymous said...
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All Women Everywhere said...

Sorry, Anonymous; I wish we didn't have to pay someone to either man the shop and/or man my children.... We'd be open all the time!

Hope you keep trying.

Dorothée said...

Oh yes, Muse Coffee and Revival.. it's what makes Seattle go round. Especially on a rainy day.
Loved photographing for you!


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