For months (years?) I have been drooling over virtually everything made by Hudson Furniture -- you've undoubtedly seen their minimalist ads in Elle Decor, House Beautiful, and more, touting the likes of these:

Certainly it wouldn't work for every aesthetic, but in the right spot, it surely has to be one of the most gorgeous fixtures ever designed.
Being a curious sort, I called Hudson at one point to investigate the likelihood of me ever owning one -- i.e., finding out the price -- and it was something that far exceeded my budget...in the neighborhood of five digits.
I almost fell over a few months ago when delivering a chair to a client's home and I spotted what I thought was this very same fixture hanging in her stairwell. The conversation went something like this:
ME: (Gasp...choke...more gasping) Is that a...Hudson...chandelier? (More gasping.)
CLIENT: Oh, god no... I wish. It's a knock-off that I found online for less than $2K.
ME: (Gasp...gasp...gasp) Must. Find. Out. Who. Makes. This.
Well, I did, and here it is:

A blatant rip-off? Yes, but also a life raft for those of us for whom five-digit lighting fixtures are, shall we say, aspirational.
This one retails with us for $1,950. I am dying for someone to order one or select it for a project so I can ogle it again in person. Who's game?