Yesterday we realized the date (I know, I know... does that tell you anything about my life, that I more often than not have no idea what day it is--bill collectors LOVE me) and, as a result, realized that our humble shop opened ONE YEAR AGO TODAY. Wow.
Some days it seems like just yesterday that we were scrambling to finish painting our walls the perfect shade of grey (Benjamin Moore "Pewter," FYI), staying up all night to arrange merchandise on the store floor, and maxing out our credit cards--oh, wait, we're still doing that. Other days it feels more like 20 years ago. Fellow business owners (and/or parents) can probably relate to this phenomenon.
The idea for the store was inspired by a handful of things:
1. A true love of design, color, and beautiful objects
2. A desire to try our hand at self-employment
3. A love of our community (I live in Georgetown, too) and a profound admiration for my neighbor next door, Kirk Albert of
Great Stuff.
Over the last year, I have learned so much about so many things--business ownership, hard work, economic downturns, the importance of supportive family and friends, and how to focus on what really matters. I often reflect on the irony of my timing, but honestly, I'm a big believer that it's never the perfect time for anything; there are always reasons to wait for things--kids, vacations, a big move, marriage--and sometimes you've just got to follow your heart and dive in.
Things have gone remarkably well for us in so many ways, and for that we are so grateful. I never would have imagined in our first year we would be featured in Domino, Elle Decor, and Architectural Digest (the Italian version, but still...). Honestly, if it all went away today, I'd be happy with that alone.
But it has been even better than that: I have had the distinct and wonderful pleasure of getting to know and work with so many lovely people over the last year. I've been welcomed into beautiful homes and families to help them perfect their interiors, spent the day shopping with Domino editor (and Nina Campbell offspring) Rita Konig, have been photographed for two local magazines, and have had the unique joy of telling myself when and where to report for work.
Thank you. Thank you for reading. Thank you for shopping. Thank you for telling your friend about our store. Thank you for coming by to say hello, even when you can't didn't or couldn't buy anything. Thank you for telling us how much you like our shop. Thank you for telling us when we could be doing certain things better.
The recession? Yes, it has been a bit of a drag (she says with much understatement). But we are hopeful for the future, whatever it may hold. We so hope it bears great things for us all.
Happy birthday to us.... (Giant exhale.) We just made a wish.